About DeafPodcast & Apey | i3xCx youtu.be/_7k9avZ14…
The follow up surgery! | i3xCx & Apey youtu.be/TO8wvdzgQ…
Why you should Vlogs now!!! | i3xCx youtu.be/HEcLir8-L…
Why I Vlogs | i3xCx youtu.be/HoqsVjP-1…
Deafopia VP has been canceled | i3xCx youtu.be/z6WsKH4S0…
That feeling… | i3xCx youtu.be/uFMkdgS0a…
WISDOM PULLED! | i3xCx youtu.be/zXw95bHks…
Let them fall!! | i3xCx youtu.be/H_HKmnU9A…
Love your smile | i3xCx youtu.be/XI0dA5wPx…
You are amazing!! | i3xCx youtu.be/ymbbcshfS…
Power Bank Blavor 10000 mah Solar power | i3xCx youtu.be/XtD5ZWxIe…
Hey Vicki I have no beef with ya! | i3xCx youtu.be/pFuHZsfRF…
Who show hate?? | i3xCx youtu.be/TRZXop7Xb…
WHY ARE YOU HERE!?? | i3xCx youtu.be/51eurflF2…
She have go back to go the DR!! | i3xCx & Apey youtu.be/sVQKOag1v…
Deaf man’s parents sue Brighton police over his death 13wham.com/news/loca…
All for what?? | i3xCx youtu.be/YbEzhg3NC…
Purple P3 never answer their phone call?? | i3xCx youtu.be/TTpPtzFT2…
She in a lot pain… | i3xCx youtu.be/V7Q_Mb7Eb…
#oshkosh #wisconsin #moon #moonlight #house #i3xcx
What is going on here??
Me watching someone vlog… #deaf
Ricardo Harris is Innocent or NOT Innocent? youtu.be/qrM0PtYaf… www.youtube.com/watch www.youtube.com/watch
here the court record