
lol Facebook is down

Guten morgen! ☕️

Guten morgen!! ☕️

Feel good to be different! #deaf #i3xCx youtube.com/shorts/pP…

Wisconsin sunset #deaf #i3xCx

Take the risk!

A little tour of my apartment | i3xCx


#gatorworld #orlando #florida #deaf

Pretty hot out here #clearwater #tampa #florida #beach

APPLE SO DIRTY!!! | i3xCx youtu.be/A_t-lHlMY…

The update with Bell’s Palsy | i3xCx youtu.be/5QdfUUtIG…

GET A JOB and get screwed!? Yes I have Bell Palsy. | i3xCx youtu.be/J8eVciCYw…

Well crap I am at ER will vlog… youtu.be/9EJD6p100…

You are supporting the murder!! | i3xCx youtu.be/fRN9svd2Y…

Vlog in showers? | i3xCx youtu.be/nMGA3BvXt…

How to vlog in deaf community?!? | i3xCx youtu.be/GGMdjMoRW…

Thank you…

The murder of Grant Whitaker [True Crime Documentary] [youtu.be/dR1wp_XpJ…]

Your vlogs can change people life! | i3xCx youtu.be/Rvc9TVqMg…

On a Date! | i3xCx & Apey youtu.be/SrdjwM06g…

The man with 1000 kids! | i3xCx youtu.be/23bbawPlb…

it’s broken…. | i3xCx youtu.be/Og5RI5fKw…

Paying it forward… youtu.be/Zo8YmWjdb…